authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.


迈克尔是一个经验丰富的节目主持人, 项目, 并对大型产品经理有深入的了解, 全球IT解决方案. 他曾在微软担任多个职位, 包括高级构建产品经理和高级项目经理. Michael拥有网络安全硕士学位, and also has a professional degree from the General Management Program at Harvard Business School.







我们这些在2013年生活在美国的人可能还记得医疗保健.政府, 一个新的(在当时), 有争议的健康保险在线市场, 是由美国政府发起并坠毁的 两小时内. 随后的一项研究 政府问责局 found that the website had been developed “without effective planning” and that “key technical requirements were unknown.“用户需求也被严重低估了. 从本质上讲,站点的许多失败都是由于糟糕的产品需求计划.

Requirements gathering is a crucial part of product development—and it’s also the stage at which product leaders often go wrong. Numerous studies point to ineffective requirements gathering as a source of major issues for developer productivity. 在一个 2022年广泛调查 CodinGame和Coderpad, 例如, 软件开发人员面临的主要挑战是“返工”, 变化, 计划外的工作, 计划外的问题”和“方向不明确”.” These challenges can be mitigated by implementing a robust requirements gathering process.

开发者面临的最大挑战是返工, 变化, 计划外的工作, 计划外问题(36%)和方向不明确(34%).
开发者面临的最大挑战, 正如最近的调查所显示的那样, 是否可以通过适当的需求收集来缓解.

作为一个资深的项目,项目和 产品经理, I’ve witnessed a broad range of attitudes toward requirements gathering by companies and teams, 其中一些最终导致了资源的浪费, 范围蠕变, 失望的客户, 以及表现不佳的产品. 在本文中, I’ll unpack a few of these mistakes and identify key learnings so that you can avoid making these same errors.


One of the key challenges at any stage of the development process is 不 letting inherent biases influence our work. 这就是健壮的、客观的需求收集过程至关重要的原因.

著名项目管理专家Bent Flyvbjerg的研究表明 几种常见的偏见 这在项目管理中经常出现. 根据我的经验,这些偏见也会影响 产品开发的早期阶段. 这些是你应该注意的:

倾向于 deliberately and systematically distort or misstate information for strategic purposes (also known as political bias, 战略偏差, 或权力偏见)
对计划好的行动的结果过于乐观的倾向, 包括高估积极事件的频率和规模, 以及低估负面事件发生的频率和规模
倾向于 低估了成本,进度和风险,高估收益和机会
倾向于 overestimate the likelihood of events with greater ease of retrieval (availability) in memory
倾向于 ignore generic base-rate information and focus on specific information pertaining to a certain case or small sample
倾向于 rely too heavily on one trait or piece of information when making decisions, 通常是在相关主题上获得的第一条信息
为一项决策增加投资辩护的倾向, 基于累积的前期投资, despite new evidence suggesting the decision may be wrong; also known as the sunk-cost fallacy
来源:Bent Flyvbjerg,“项目管理中的十大行为偏差:概述”, 项目管理期刊, 2021


每个公司和产品的需求收集过程看起来都不一样, 你可以采取几种方法来取得成功. 而不是谈论什么 to 描述常见的错误是否更有效 对产品结果的影响. 以下是在需求收集过程中需要避免的五大错误:

1. 用“不是什么”来定义产品

几年前,我在一个处理公司内部网门户升级的团队中. 客户的目标很简单:设计一个新的门户 类似于之前失败的产品. (The company had recently tried to update the portal but the final solution had been rejected by the end users.)乍一看,“不像X”似乎是一个很好的要求. 但该团队的反应是专注于视觉效果, 保留相同的功能,并以新的颜色和品牌重新发布产品. 当然, this product encountered the same issues as the previous one because its 特性 and functionality remained largely unchanged. The problem wasn’t the color or branding—it was that the product requirements had 不 been redefined.

教训: Requirements gathering is 不 optional; you can’t wing it, and there are no shortcuts. 改变产品的外观和感觉并不能解决其潜在的问题. 你永远不应该仅仅通过它不应该是什么来定义一个产品.

2. 模仿你的竞争对手

一家中型公司看到竞争对手利用了市场上的一个机会, 它也想参与进来. 进入市场的速度至关重要,因此没有时间来收集需求. 相反,团队只是简单地复制竞争对手的产品功能. The customer’s response is: “Where are the support 特性 in this product that we value in your other products?” and “How does this product integrate with the other products we have already purchased from you?” The lack of a coherent answer to these questions results in a frustrated product team and unsatisfied customers.

教训: 你不是你的竞争对手. 你不可能制造一个复制品,然后期望你的客户加入进来. 收集产品需求时, always think about the needs of your specific customers and why they like your existing products. 问问你自己如何将你作为一个公司所提供的价值整合到这个新产品中.

3. 不与客户互动

I was once on a team at a new company that had built a product with amazing 特性 that outperformed the competition. Unfortunately, the team forgot one vital element in the requirements gathering process: the customer. 事实上, 他们害怕与他们接触, 对负面反馈保持警惕, 并且担心产品市场不适合被暴露出来. 因此,他们开发的产品需求集缺乏重要的客户输入.

教训: 如果你不能和顾客在一个心理安全的地方工作, 这对你们队来说是个危险信号. It takes bravery and confidence to show customers your new product—and you need to do this for effective requirements gathering. 并不是每个顾客都愿意尝试新事物, 当然, 但大约16%的人将成为创新者或早期采用者, 根据 技术采用曲线. Identify those forward-thinking customers and start using them in your requirements gathering process.

4. 创建不必要的特性

作为产品经理,我们必须是我们的专家 客户需求. If the services your company provides are B2B, you must even understand your customers’ customers. 成功就是顾客想要他们得到的东西. 为了知道你的客户想要什么, 你可以分析报告, 读文章, 参加会议——但要获得最清晰的见解, 你得问问他们想要什么.

我自己也经历了惨痛的教训. 在一个项目上, we had engaged with customers and other stakeholders and developed a list of product requirements. However, when it was time for me to create user stories, I didn’t confirm each one with the customer. I thought they wouldn’t care about a back-end logging feature or a minor Kubernetes infrastructure node configuration change—basically, 任何不是基于UI或ux的东西. 但我错了. One specific customer was obsessed with all the 特性 in our product and wanted to know about every layer of its functionality, 甚至对有用的功能有了新的想法.

教训: 不要假设客户的兴趣程度. 和他们讨论细节问题. 通常,顾客比我们想象的更好奇. 作为产品经理, 你可能最终交付了客户不想要的功能, 并且没有正确地交付他们想要的功能, 因为你没有问他们的想法.

5. 相信敏捷是唯一的方法

Recently, I was on a team at a large IT services company delivering a customer engagement product. 产品范围是一个顾问小组将访问客户的站点, 部署我们的专有软件分析产品, 并分析客户网络的云连接问题和机会. 服务交付后,将向客户发送一份报告. 这是一个简单的瀑布式产品交付,有固定的交付物, 时机,以及成本. 现场交货几小时后, the customer found other network issues that did 不 involve the technology we had agreed to scan. “让我们成为 敏捷,他们说, 并要求我们更换产品来分析打印机, 防火墙, 客户端连接问题. The product requirements had already been agreed upon, however, and we needed to 防止范围蠕变. 我们选择交付当前的产品, 然后接受新的客户请求,并将其用作未来版本的需求.

教训: 敏捷是管理产品或服务的一种方法,但不是唯一的方法. 在某一点上,您需要最终确定需求并进入下一个阶段. 您如何知道何时完成了需求收集? 这很简单:当需求与客户达成一致时,不要再晚了. You can use Agile to develop your 项目, but you should employ a Waterfall-style delivery. 有时候对客户最好的回答是, “我们下次订婚时再谈吧,或者“我们希望你尽快实现价值。, 所以我们现在不要被新的要求分散注意力.”


需求收集是项目开发的一个重要阶段 任何产品的开发 不应该被忽视. 一个产品的基础不可能是你不希望它成为的, 它也不应该仅仅是市场上已有产品的复制. Engage with your innovator and early-adopter customer base to get their valuable insights, and don’t be afraid of asking questions to ensure you’re 不 wasting time building unnecessary 特性. 知道何时确定需求并继续前进,或者使用 瀑布式方法 交付. Implement these lessons for requirements gathering at the outset of your 项目s for productive teams, 快乐的客户, 以及成功的结果.


  • 什么是需求收集?

    产品 requirements gathering is the process of identifying and documenting the needs and specifications of a product, 包括所需的功能, 特性, 和约束. 它包括研究、整理信息和确定需求的优先级.

  • 为什么需求收集很重要?

    产品 requirements gathering is a crucial phase that sets the foundation for successful product design and implementation. 目标是确保全面理解产品应该实现什么. 这有助于减少误解, 防止范围蠕变, 并确保产品满足客户需求.

  • 什么是需求收集的最佳实践?

    Best practices for requirements gathering include defining a product by what it should be (不 what it shouldn’t), 原创而不是抄袭竞争对手, 与客户互动, 确保所有功能都是必要的, 并且知道何时确定需求并继续交付.


位于 İ世界、土耳其

成员自 2021年4月29日


迈克尔是一个经验丰富的节目主持人, 项目, 并对大型产品经理有深入的了解, 全球IT解决方案. 他曾在微软担任多个职位, 包括高级构建产品经理和高级项目经理. Michael拥有网络安全硕士学位, and also has a professional degree from the General Management Program at Harvard Business School.

Toptalauthors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.








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